Component Four: Project management
The Project Implementation Unit (PIU) will be set up at the MInT, to become operational before the project becomes effective, as confirmed by the Fiduciary Assessment. For implementation of the PPA, the Channel One Programs Coordinating Directorate (COPCD) within the MoF is acting as the PIU to manage implementation, working closely with the ECA and MInT, under the supervision of the MoF. This is because the focus of the PPA is on accelerated implementation of component 1 activities associated with telecom reform. During the preparation phase, staff for the future PIU are being recruited using funding from the PPA, along with consultants to carry out urgent preparatory studies on safeguards, and preparation of the Project Procurement Strategy for Development (PPSD) will be accelerated. The project funds under this component will cover the costs of PIU staff, including the project coordinator, two procurement specialists (including one with experience with matching grants), a financial management (FM) specialist and safeguards specialists, both environmental and social. As the project progresses, other positions will be added, including a monitoring and evaluation (M&E) specialist, a communications specialist, and support staff. Other skills may be recruited, such as technical specialists, gender specialists, a grants manager, and so on, though some of these inputs may be provided by the MInT itself. This component will also cover the operational costs of the PIU, such as computers, a communications room (for virtual meetings) and training costs. Other operational costs may be provided directly by the MInT, such as office space.